lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

A geek horror history

It should have been a calm, simple Sunday night, but on Feb. 28, 2010, all hell broke loose. In the blink of an eye everyone went from happily gaming on their PlayStation 3s to being totally screwed by the biggest system blackout in the history of the videogame industry.

This is the curse of Error 8001050F.

Yes, an error in the internal settings of the PlayStation 3 is crippling certain consoles. The affected PS3s can't play games or connect to the PlayStation Network, and their system clocks have been automatically reset to 12/31/99. Worse yet, Trophies earned before syncing the system appear to be lost and in some cases "corrupted", which would make it seem like you'll never get them back again.

It's a sad day to be a PS3 owner.